Biadh Mercer

Biadh Mercer (Modesto CA)

Biadh Mercer

Mercer Foods is now a part of Thrive Freeze Dried Foods “Thrive Life. Tha na bliadhnaichean mu dheireadh air a bhith iongantach. Tha Thrive Life gu litireil air a thighinn gu bhith na stiùiriche ann an tiormachadh reothadh agus a’ leantainn air adhart a’ tionndadh cinn air feadh an t-saoghail mar a bhios beatha Thrive a’ dèanamh rudan nas fheàrr; nas èifeachdaiche agus nas fheàrr a thaobh teicneòlas. Tha Thrive Life air am bàr a thogail le càileachd agus pròiseasan tiormachaidh reothadh, ach chan eil sinn a’ stad an sin. Mar a bhios biadh air a thiormachadh le reothadh a 'fàs nas àbhaistiche, Leanaidh Thrive Life a’ seasamh a-mach mar an toradh den chàileachd as àirde a tha ri fhaighinn!

Leis an fhàs san amharc, Beatha beò has declared the immediate merger with a freeze dry company in California called “Mercer Foods.It operate out of Modesto CA (Mercer biadhan modesto) gu sònraichte ann an reothadh measan agus glasraich tiormaichte, agus a’ reic ri gnìomhachas seirbheis bìdh, a bharrachd air luchd-saothrachaidh eile. Bheir an naidheachd seo mòran a bharrachd cothrom do Thrive Life air tiormairean reòta, goireasan riochdachaidh eile, luchd-solair agus tuathanaich, a bharrachd air siostaman agus daoine eòlach. Bidh tiormachadh reothadh a 'gleidheadh ​​​​an structair, dath, blas agus susbaint beathachaidh bìdh le bhith a’ toirt air falbh taiseachd mar bhalbhaichean ann am falamh.

Tha sinn air leth toilichte leis an naidheachd seo agus tha sinn cinnteach gun cuidich seo sinn le bhith a’ fàs gu mòr! Tha an sanas seo ag amas air sinn fhèin ullachadh airson fàs eas-chruthach.

More: Mercer Foods llc maintains numerous programs and certifications to ensure that all health and safety regulations, food and sanitation standards are met. Their programs and products are compliant with the regulations and standards established by the FDA, USDA and OSHA. They are committed to producing freeze-dried food products that are 100% safe, tested and in compliance with all allergen programs.

Did you know?
To reduce our energy usage, Mercer Foods draws power from a 220,000 square-foot solar field with 3,852 solar modules. The solar power generated by the field provides two months of Mercer foods plant’s power needs annually. They also employ a smart lighting system to ensure reduced electricity usage. Mercer Foods Modesta CA sources all fruits and vegetables ethically and responsibly.

More about thrive life freeze dried foods:

Biadh Mercer

Helping families starts with a healthy meal, but Thrive Life’s passion for helping people stretches past the dinner table. Thrive Life sends 5% of their profits to developing countries, which means your dinner is helping build schools, empower women, and build communities around the world.