Thrive Life is a brand of freeze-dried foods manufactured right here in USA. Freeze-drying is a preservation method that removes moisture from food, allowing it to be stored for long periods of time without refrigeration. This process also helps to maintain the flavor, Te mau parau papa'i, e te faufaa o te maa. Thrive Life’s products include fruits, vegetables, Te mau nota, and meals that can be reconstituted by adding water. Te vai ra te mau maa hotu i roto i te oraraa o te mau taata e ora ra i roto i te hoê fenua mǎrô, Te mau nota, Te mau nota, pipi, e, Te mau nota, e tae noa'tu i te mau inu e te mau maa maitai, A faaineine ia outou no te haere i te fare toa i te mau taime atoa e pau ai outou i te mau mea faufaa mai te huero moa e aore râ, te û.