Скільки зберігається ліофілізована їжа

Скільки зберігається ліофілізована їжа. Shelf life of freeze dried foods

One of the key advantages of freeze-dried food is its shelf life. Freeze dried foods can last for years if not decades depending upon the freeze drying process, зберігання ліофілізованих продуктів і тип їжі. Thrive Life freeze dried foods can last from 8 років аж до кінця 20 років. Зв’яжіться з нами, щоб дізнатися більше про наш процес сублімаційного сушіння та отримати докладнішу інформацію про те, як довго триває ліофілізована їжа. Ви будете вражені якістю наших сублімованих овочів, і заморожуйте сушені фрукти, як ліофілізовані банани.

With our innovative freeze drying process, we remove almost all water and lock in nutrients, which means Thrive foods will stay fresh for a very long time! Shelf life varies depending on storage conditions. Simple Plate meals last at least 6 months from the time you receive them. Most of our canned products last one year after opening and 25 years before openingand we do it without adding preservatives!

Скільки зберігається ліофілізована їжаAll methods of food preservation have their pros and cons. Freeze-drying process is extremely effective in creating food that retains its nutrition for the long term. Shelf life is important when you’re looking for preserved foods for regular daily use or stocking up on emergency supplies.

Although most freeze dried products have a “long shelf life,” it can mean one of two things. Спочатку, the “best if used by shelf lifeindicates the length of time food retains most of its original taste and nutrition. This is the date listed on most products in the grocery store. It’ll typically be between a few weeks and a few years, depending on the product.

There’s also the “life sustaining shelf life,” which indicates the length of time the product will sustain life without decaying or becoming inedible. This can be anywhere from a few years to a few decades. It all comes down to the preservation process and its storage conditions.

Several key storage conditions have huge impacts on the shelf life of freeze-dried food.

Скільки зберігається ліофілізована їжа

Oxygen: Oxygen in the air can have negative effects on the nutrients, вітаміни, flavor, and color in food. It can also increase the growth of microorganisms like bacteria. Having an airtight seal on food in storage is a must for preserving shelf life.
Moisture: Moisture also creates a beneficial environment for microorganisms, resulting in spoilage and deterioration of freeze-dried food. Shelf life is significantly shortened when food is stored in a damp area.
Light: When food is exposed to light, it can deteriorate the proteins, вітаміни, and nutrients in it. This can quickly result in discoloration and off-flavors, so be sure to store your products in a dark area.
Temperature: High temperatures cause proteins to break down and vitamins to be destroyed, affecting the color, flavor, and odor of preserved food. Storing food in a warm environment will quickly deteriorate its shelf life.