Thrive Life is a brand of freeze-dried foods manufactured right here in USA. Freeze-drying is a preservation method that removes moisture from food, allowing it to be stored for long periods of time without refrigeration. This process also helps to maintain the flavor, tekstura, va oziq-ovqatning ozuqaviy qiymati. Thrive Life’s products include fruits, sabzavotlar, go'shtlar, and meals that can be reconstituted by adding water. THRIVE life muzlatilgan quritilgan oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari qatori mevalardan iborat, sabzavotlar, go'shtlar, dukkaklilar, donalar, sut mahsulotlari, va hatto sog'lom ichimliklar va ovqatlar, Har safar tuxum yoki sut kabi zarur ingredientlar tugab qolganda, oziq-ovqat do'koniga sayohat qilishni tejaydi.