

Thrive凍乾草莓係暢銷書,因為它們可以把任何食譜變成壯觀嘅嘢. 茁壯成長草莓片係凍乾嘅,所以它們保留咗所有嘅天然風味, 顏色, 和營養素.

嘗試喺冰淇淋中添加茁壯成長草莓片, 麥片, 麥片, 或燕麥片,為一個神話般的爆發大膽, 果味. 您還可以使用Thrive Strawberry Slices製作美味的甜點和果泥. 無論您如何使用Thrive草莓片,您都會喜歡它們新鮮採摘的味道.


  •  無蕨質認證
  •  唔係 轉基囙生物: 無生物工程成分
  • 凍乾草莓片非常適合酸奶凍糕, 燕麥片, 沙拉等
  • 冇人造色素或香料
  • 提供普通罐裝, 家庭大小嘅罐頭同一次過使用袋 (小食) 便於喺旅途中食零食

Every 茁壯成長嘅生活 freeze dried product starts with quality ingredients that deliver amazing taste, 讓您和您的家人更容易食得好, 每日. 我哋嘅唔加糖凍乾草莓由成熟嘅草莓製成, 新鮮生果,因此它們的味道儘可能接近新鮮省嘅味道。 呢啲凍乾草莓片係一種叻嘅快餐,非常適合撒喺碗麥片上.

也, 凍乾草莓與干草莓唔一樣. 乾草莓係指脫水草莓,不同於凍乾草莓. 凍乾草莓配方嘅水分更少,保質期更長. Thrive Life嘅營養鎖系統確保風味和營養被鎖定,以獲得美味嘅味道.

Discover the mouthwatering taste of Thrive Life Freeze Dried Strawberries. These delectable Strawberry Slices are freeze-dried to perfection, preserving their natural flavor, vibrant color, and essential nutrients. Enjoy a burst of freshness in every bite! These Thrive Strawberry Slices are a delightful addition to your daily meals and snacks. Whether you’re looking for a wholesome topping for cereals, yogurt, or desserts, or simply want a nutritious on-the-go treat, these freeze-dried strawberries deliver the perfect balance of taste and nutrition.