Thrive Life is a brand of freeze-dried foods manufactured right here in USA. Freeze-drying is a preservation method that removes moisture from food, allowing it to be stored for long periods of time without refrigeration. This process also helps to maintain the flavor, 质地, 以及食物的营养价值. Thrive Life’s products include fruits, 蔬菜, 肉类, and meals that can be reconstituted by adding water. THRIVE生活冻干食品产品线由水果组成, 蔬菜, 肉类, 豆子, 谷物, 乳制品, 甚至健康的饮料和饭菜, 每当您用完鸡蛋或牛奶等基本食材时,就可以节省去杂货店的行程.