Thrive Freeze Dried Fruits and Vegetables

Thrive Life Freeze Dried Fruits

  • ONE Ingredient: All of our fruit is ONLY fruit!! No preservatives or junk!
  • No Added Sugar: We never add sugar or salt to our fruits and veggies
  • No Waste: Already washed and chopped for you! ZERO waste! You only pay for what you eat!

Why Thrive Freeze Dried Foods?

Great food, long 10-20 year shelf life, nutritious, tasty and of courseNUTRILOCK!!

Thrive Life Freeze dried Vegetables

  • Full of Nutrients: Our Nutrilock Promise insures that our produce has as close to what nature intended as possible.
  • Tested: Because not only is quality our top priority so is food safety. All food is tested for biologicals before it hits the freeze-driers and after
  • Fresher than Fresh: You aren’t going to be able to tell the difference. Did you just pick it? Or just you just grab a handful out of the can?

Iziphuzo ezintsha ze-RUVI ezivela ku-THRIVE

Fruits and Veggies Nothing Else.Funda kabanzi

I-Thrive Life ikwenze kwaba lula (futhi tastier) ukuthola izithelo nemifino yakho ngama-powders wethu omisiwe. URuvi izithelo eziphelele nemifino, kufaka phakathi yonke leyo fiber enempilo futhi akukho okunye, bakhethe umsoco wabo ophakeme kakhulu futhi baqandisa omisiwe ukukhiya lezo zinongo kanye nakho konke lokho kunambitheka!