Verduras liofilizadas

Thrive freeze dried vegetables are guaranteed to taste fresh for years to come

Maintain a well-balanced diet and active lifestyle

Thrive life vegetables, Chuuptak u antioxidantes, Vitaminas, proteína magra, Láaj jo'ochiko'obe, yéetel nukuch bocadillos bajos ti' calorías. There are tips to make it easier to incorporate more vegetables into your diet.
Janal ensaladas le jump'éel kin tuukul ch'a'abil ka asequible u consumir asab verduras ya'ax le', Bey ya'ab láak'o'ob, Bey le p'aako'obo', Pepinos, Cebollas, Apio, Zanahorias, ka asab. Chéen ba'ale' enjuagar, Secado, ka ch'ak lechuga ka' jump'éel chowak k'iin u páajtal u jach talam ti' jump'éel lako' simple.

Janalbe'eno'ob liofilizados

Yéetel eliminando le humedad, we get fresh veggies that stay fresh for months without preservatives.


thrive life veggies grown and ripened on a family farm, our freeze dried veggies maintains their nutrition and flavor without adding anything sketchy.